European mirror:
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The most striking aspect of his mathematical practice is his extraordinary skill at calculations. In fact, he tried to solve mathematical problems to a large extent by means of a calculative, algebraic approach.
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Please visit frequently!
Last update: January 1, 2013
Scientific publications
Alois Panholzer's Thesis "Untersuchungen zur durchschnittlichen Gestalt
gewisser Baumfamilien (Mit besonderer
Berücksichtigung von Anwendungen in der Informatik)"
[compressed postscript, 578 K]
Where do I belong?
I am a professor at the
Department of Mathematics of the
Stellenbosch University.
Research interests
- Analysis of Algorithms
- Concrete Mathematics
- Combinatorics
- Tree enumeration
- Number Theory
Some People
Here are pointers to some of my national and international friends.
Also to such people who might not even know me, but whom I find/found quite
Editorial Duties
I am a member of the editorial board of the following journals:
My electronic diary. Helmut Prodinger's african adventures, narrated by himself.
Knuth's first analysis of an algorithm (see the
Analysis of Algorithms Homepage), texset by me;
(These files can also be found on the Analysis of Algorithms Homepage.)
Helmut Prodinger
Department of Mathematics
University of Stellenbosch
7602 Stellenbosch
Tel: +27 - (0)21 - 808 3273
email: hproding at sun dot ac dot za
South Africa